If you like wine and want to get loads of information, tips and recommendations from other experts on the topic, don’t miss this list of wine influencers. You’ll learn everything you need to know about wine from their social media, blogs and articles in specialised media. Here are some of our favourites.

Influencers del vino



The person behind this account is journalist Amaya Cervera, who specialises in wine and works with wine guides and publications. In 2014, she started the Spanish Wine Lover digital magazine, which features renowned national and international experts from the sector. This makes it an important media outlet for wineries and people like you who are reading this post because they want to know more about the topic.



Josep Roca i Fontané is a pre-eminent figure in this sector in Spain. He is the sommelier at El Celler de Can Roca. In 2017, this influencer was granted the Enosofía prize from the Wine Museums Association of Spain (AMVE) for his work to “safeguard, preserve and spread wine culture in all its expressions.” He has more than 62,000 followers on IG. Without a doubt, you should follow this profile for his knowledge of national and international wines.



Wine Folly is one of the most well-known international accounts with the most followers on social media, and in the wine world. US native Madeline Pucket, a wine expert, is the face behind this profile. With over 400,000 followers, she tends to post information, infographics, videos with tips and recommendations, and articles about wine culture.



Amanda McCrossin is a sommelier from California with thousands of followers on IG, YouTube and TikTok. She loves videos with loads of basic, simple tips on how to decant wine or the different ways to open a bottle without a corkscrew, for example. It’s a fun account with a lot of information on the sector internationally.



James Suckling is a US journalist who was editor of the magazine Wine Spectator for 20 years, in addition to being featured in several documentaries on the sector. He is one of the most world-renowned experts on the topic and his recommendations are followed all over the globe. You can follow him on IG and his digital magazine JamesSuckIing.com.

Perfil de IG de El Coto de Rioja

More wine experts


This profile is run by Spanish sommelier and communicator Meritxell Falgueras. A regular collaborator with specialised media outlets, she has published four books on wine and her social media is full of tasting notes and simple wine tips. Her motto is #ConVinoConTodo (#WineWithEverithing), which is also the name of one of her books.



Javier Campo is a famous sommelier who also does important dissemination work in the sector. He works with several media outlets and is also a food advisor and trainer. A member of the Spanish Association of Wine Journalists and Writers, he has over 36,000 followers on IG, plus an eponymous blog.



Ferrán Centelles is a Catalan sommelier who trained with Ferran Adriá at El Bulli, where he worked for many years. He is the Spanish representative of prestigious wine critic Jancis Robinson. Another wine expert you should follow to learn all the latest news in the sector.

And last but not least, our own IG profile: @cotoderioja. We not only have information on our winery and wines but also work tireless to bring you posts and videos on pairings, tasting notes and easy tips that you may like to learn more about wines. In fact, we even have some wine classes you might like. Here they are:

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