How to transport wine on a trip

How to transport wine on a trip

If you’re a wine lover, you must have wondered how to pack a bottle of wine into your suitcase or how to take wine on to a plane safely. There are many people who often buy a bottle of wine from the place they've been visiting on holiday as a souvenir or as a present for friends and family.  

In this article, you find out everything you need to know about taking a bottle of wine on a plane or in your suitcase however you're travelling without the worry of it smashing. 

guardar vino en la maleta

How to pack a bottle of wine in your suitcase

To protect your wine bottles in your suitcase, the most common method is wrapping them up in bubble wrap. If you don’t have any to hand, put the bottle in a few plastic bags to separate them from the rest of your things. If you also wrap the bottle up in your clothes (such as towels, jumpers or sweatshirts), this will protect them against any bumps.  

One little tip: we recommend placing the bottles in the middle of your suitcase, or even inside your socks and shoes to give them better protection, but don't put them near any hard objects you have in your suitcase. 

You could also use neoprene bags specifically designed for transporting bottles. If you buy more than 6 bottles, it might be better to buy a specific suitcase for them. 

Remember that if you’re going by plane, it’s best to avoid bringing sparkling wines since the pressure and the gas inside them can make them explode. 

Do you want to know how to enjoy your wine this summer?

How to transport wine on a plane

Before buying wine on your way back from your trip, you need to be sure of how you're going to carry it, bearing in mind the restrictions that airports have for taking this wine in your suitcase.  

The best thing you can do is to buy your wine in the airport Duty Free. That way you won't have to put them into your carry-on luggage, and you can choose where you put them once in the cabin. However, this only works for a couple of bottles, of course. If you're going to buy more, it’s best to do so beforehand and protect them in your suitcase.  

transportar vino en el avión
cómo llevar bebidas en un avión

Restrictions for travelling with alcoholic beverages

Another thing you should bear in mind are the restrictions that airlines and countries have for travelling with alcoholic beverages in your suitcase. As a rule of thumb, in the European Union you won’t have to pay any extra taxes on alcoholic beverages that you bring with you if they’re for personal use; in other words, if you're not going to sell them on. However, the customs officers may want to make sure that your bottles are for personal use and ask you a few questions.  

The EU member states decide the maximum number of alcoholic beverages you can take into their countries, but there are minimum amounts. When it comes to wine, this is 20 litres of fortified wine. If you come from outside the European Union, you can only bring in 4 litres of wine. 

One thing to remember! Some airlines require you to use extruded polystyrene padded packaging to put bottles in your suitcase. 

One last tip: make sure your airline doesn't have a maximum number of bottles that they let you take in your suitcase.  

Have a great trip wherever you're going, but hold on to your passion for wine! To make sure of that, take a look at our tips for buying a good wine in complete certainty. Make sure you don't get ripped off! 

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